Aaron Bulkley

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Cattail Falls
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Louisville - Friday Night

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August 2008 Entries

August 27th

Picked up my new phone today. Joanie and I both have new phone numbers. Anyway, This is my new mobile #: (830) 928-2330. I also found a cool little website that will tell you what your phone number spells
Click Here to try it.
My Number spells 830-9-Cubed-0, or 830-9-At-Bed-0.
Yea, I know...stupid.
New Iphone - Aaron Bulkley

August 26th

So, if you haven't heard yet, some big news. Joanie and I will be moving back to Texas in 2 weeks. I've decided to start my own company, actually 2 of them, and we will be based out of Kerrville/Ingram, TX. I've had a great ride here at GAT, and I've learned a lot over the past year...it's now just time to finally go out on my own.
Texas Hunting Outfitter and Lodges
I'll be starting up a Sports Travel and Ticket company as well as a Hunting Packages/Outfitter/Lodge business...the Hunting Website will be called www.TexasHuntLodge.com and will be based out of Kerrville. The Sports Travel company will most likely go by www.SouthernSportsTravel.com

We have one other business in mind as well, but it will probably be a non-profit, Summer Adventure Camps for Social Orphans, i.e. Foster Kids. That one will be developed over the next year as there is a ton of fundraising involved as well as building out the summer camp.

Anyway, we're excited to be coming home, and hope to catch up with our Texas friends and family over the next month. I will have a new mobile number, coming soon, which I'll post and email everyone about next week.

Zach and Rebecca are coming up to VA Beach to visit this weekend for Labor Day festivities, and then we'll begin packing next week. We're scheduled to pack up the UHAUL on Friday, Sept 5th, and hit the road the following day, Sept 6th.

August 15th

I'm doing some Blog Cleaning today...I just added (4) new Cell phone pics to the right Column of the website...Enjoy. I'm finally going to move some of the old posts to the archives as well. This photo is from Mine and J's engagement party in Austin in July. I think we had been drinking for a bit, not like it is going to surprise anyone, but we had a blast that night. Sushi, Friends, Family, and Austin.
Joanie and Aaron Bulkley in Austin
Well, the summer is nearly over. The weather in Va Beach is awesome right now, so I encourage people to come visit. Stephanie Eberhardt and one of her girlfriends are driving down from DC today. We're gonna hang out on the beach and bars probably all weekend.

Zach and Rebecca are coming over Labor Day weekend. There are some big shows down on the boardwalk then including Billy Idol, B52's, etc that weekend...should be a blast.

Everyone have a Good Weekend!

August 13th

Ten more days of this crap! The Chinese are some shady folks ya'll! Have you been watching all of these scandals going on in the Olympics this year? If not, here's the low-down on a few from someone who has to keep up with this stuff (work-related).
Diving Pool in Beijing - Summer Olympics 2008
First, the Opening Ceremonies: The Chinese Politicians didn't think that 7-year old Yang Peiyi was cute enough to sing the Chinese song "Ode to the Motherland" on TV, so a day before, they swapped her out for a "better looking" 9 year old to Lip-synch while the "ugly 7 year old" sang the actual song from behind the scenes. Can you imagine the international and domestic repercussions if something like that happened anywhere else but China? Shit, we let Roseanne Barr sing our national anthem on TV, and people didn't flinch.

Then, just last night, the US Women's Gymnastics team got robbed of a Gold by the cheating Chinese. It is an international olympics rule that you must be 16 to compete...did you see those China girls? They barely look 12 years old. In fact, US Olympics Coach Béla Károlyi, stated on national television that he has proof that those girls are at least 2 years younger than China says (China made some new passports for the girls) from previous international competitions which the toddlers have competed in around the world. You might say "Well, how is that an advantage?" My Answer, "Ask the Chinese" Why did they cheat? Perhaps because the toddlers are better than anything else they have? You put some American college kids, whom have competed for 15 years at a professional level, and obviously understand the pressure and consequences of the upcoming performance, up against a bunch of 5th graders whom don't fully understand the complexity and grandeur of the event as they're too young and International sheltered by their Govt to realize the significance.

And last, but not least, the day after the Opening Ceremonies, the U.S. Mens Volleyball coach's father and mother in law are stabbed randomly while on a Visitor's tour, with the Father In Law dying immediately. Come On China, you have very few acts of Violence throughout the rest of the year, and now that it's time for the Olympics, you don't you have a clue still how or why this happened, nor enough police (I heard over 100,000 in Beijing) to keep this crap from happening.

Enough ranting for today, but I'm sure that China will keep up the "Shitty" Work.

Cell Phone Pics
Viola Hook Em
Rose Bowl 2010
Water Buffalo
TTHA Booth
Skinning Station
Elk Hanging
Poker Tourney
Under Construction
Zurich Fan Zone
Smallest Car Ever
Christophe Latour
Jason Duggan
Nice Rack
Churchill Downs
Paris Souffle
Front Porch - Terlingua
Hotel Paisano
Cool & the Gang
Edison in LA
Luca Hiding
New Work Computer
Austin Traffic
Vegas - Pure
Thanksgiving Turkey
Stones @ Zilker Park
My Axis
Austin Business Awards
Chuck's Pumpkins
Lounge Singer
Cats Sleeping
TX vs Ohio State
My 4 Wheeler
Italy Celebrates

3 yr old
Brave Hunter
Jesus is Watching
Best Buy Boy
Dick in a Box
Taco! Taco!
Cat Massage
Damn Hogs

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