Aaron Bulkley

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Cattail Falls
Boat Wreck
Louisville - Friday Night

Friends and their Kids
Devine Night Out
Day to Day
2006 Photos

October 2007 Entries

October 31st

Happy Halloween!

This Pumpkin will kick your Ass!
No big plans for tonight...just sitting on the couch waiting for kids to ring my doorbell and take my candy. I was thinking about dressing Luka up, but think it's a little late to come up with a dog costume.

Here are some interesting facts that I know and you don't about Halloween:

Halloween originated from the Pagans, originally celebrated by the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain. It was the Irish and Scottish immigrants (my ancestors) whom brought the version of the tradition that we know to North American in the 1800's. It wasn't until the 1900's that other countries such as Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, all of the UK, Austalia and New Zealand embraced the holiday.

The term "Halloween" has been shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the eve of "All Hollows Day" also known as "All Saints Day" which is celebrated mainly in Mexico and South America.

October 30th

What a long weekend...Friday night turned into Saturday morning real quick. Sarah, Jason, Joanie, Ronny, Gilbert, myself and others hit up Fado's and Qua on 4th Street Friday night. We had some bottle service and then ended up back at my place to wrap the evening up. Then, the next day, I totally missed the UT tailgate...I slept on my couch all day trying to gather up the energy for a big Halloween party night.
Sara and Jason Duggan - Warrant and Cherry Pie Halloween 2007
I finally got off the couch around 8:30pm, got into full costume and hit the annual Halloween Howl out on Volente Beach Road. I think that I've attended this party about 8 years now. There were way too many people this year...I would say 700 easy. All of the booze was gone by 1:30am, so we hit up Randy's afterwards. I think we got home around 3:30am, and then watched football all day Sunday.

I can't wait til Friday...Hunting season is here, and I bought a new gun last Friday. It's a TIKA like my .243 that I typically hunt whitetail with. This is a TIKA 300 WIN MAG...I'm told that it will put a pretty good hole in an Elk. I'm taking it with me this weekend to see if I can get some practice first on a big ol' hog.

October 26th

Yea, so it's been awhile since I've written, but I've been sleeping for like 6 days now. Late Happy Birthday's to Taryne and Alden...they both just turned 30. Alden came in to celebrate this week...left last night and will be back tomorrow for the Texas Game.
Crazy Eyed Edi Jakob
So, this past week I've finally caught up on sleep...for the first few days, I couldn't help but get up at 2:00, 3:00am every day...I was wide awake and just sat on my couch watching TV until the rest of the world woke up for me. I'm rested up now and finally getting things in order. I will head back to work next week, probably Tuesday, and then hunting season begins the following Friday...can't wait! I'm headed to Cabela's today to buy some new hunting gear...my elk hunting trip is coming up in a couple of weeks as well. Zach and I are flying into Calgary November 11th and will be hunting a big ol' Bull Elk that week.

So, I've started a new photo page this morning...you'll find the link at the bottom of the left side of the page...in the photos area. "Friends and their Kids" AB

October 20th

On the final leg of my trip back from Paris. I just left Cincinatti where I only had a 45 minute layover due to the Frenchies being late getting out of Paris...what's new?
Working one last day on the balcony in Paris
So, I had two options in Cincinatti
1) Wait for my luggage to come, go through customs the proper way, and recheck bags on a flight to Austin...

2) Cuss out loud at the french for being late, say screw the bags, and make sure you don't miss the flight to Austin, otherwise, you probabaly won't make it back til around midnight.

Guess which option I chose. The customs guy even asked me...you were gone for 8 weeks, and all you have is a brief case? I couldn't answer honestly, otherwise, they would have made me stick around and wait on bags, so I told him that my buddy had the suitcases and had already gone through.

Joanie is picking me up at the airport around 6:30pm, then it's time for a much needed shower, and a cold margarita or two tonight. I think that the JZ's are meeting us out, Doctor Duggan, maybe Gary, who knows...it's just good to be back home.


October 19th

The last day...The bronze final match is today, and then the final tomorrow. We're finished getting all of our tickets, and have moved all of our inventory.
Leaving Paris
Now it's time to pack after 8 long weeks, and get my ass back to Texas.

I should get in Saturday night, then I'm gonna take a shower, eat some mexican food, have a margarita, and sleep for about 2 days. I'm heading into the office on Monday, but then I've got about 7 days off that are owed to me, and I want to use every single one of them before I go back to work.

I think that Alden is coming into town on Monday or so, and we'll probably hit the lake a couple of times next week pending the weather. I also need to make a trip to Harper to pick up last year's trophy mounts, and to Kerrville and Hunt to see my family.

No plans yet for Halloween...maybe Houston, but we'll see. I need to find a party for sure though so I have a reason to wear my Scottish Kilt again.


October 14th

Well, England won, and the Frenchies were very disappointed. England will be in the Rugby World Cup final next weekend just before I head home. This has been a long 7 weeks, and now I'm heading into the last days in Paris. I can't wait to get back and do nothing for a few days.
England Rugby Fan
LP, short for Lauren Parker, just arrived this morning. She's going to be visiting Brussels and hanging out in Paris for few days. We're going to watch the Cowboys/Patriots game tonight at a Canadian Pub...though I think the Pats will kick Da Boys butt, I really hope Dallas can pull it out somehow.


October 12th

I want to pull every hair out right now...This has been the longest day so far in gayParis! I've been through two batteries on my cell phone, walked over 10 miles, waiting in lines, dealt with pissed off clients, etc...and have only had a cup of coffee today, no food.
Rugby World Cup Sucks!
I should be done with the hectic part soon...then I'm going down the block to O'Sullivans and drinking about 6 Guiness Beers to wind down and fill my belly with some Irish Sausage and Mash. Let's Hope England wins next week, so the market will be a little better for the final and I'm not bored out of my mind this time next week.


October 11th

Joke Today...
Jimmie zimmerman
Only a person in Texas could think of this.

From the county where drunk driving is considered a sport, comes this true story. Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a bar in Austin, Texas after last call the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so apparently intoxicated that he could barely walk.

The man stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, with the officer quietly observing. After what seemed an eternity in which he tried his keys on five different vehicles, the man managed to find his car and fall into it. He sat there for a few minutes as a number of other patrons left the bar and drove off.

Finally he started the car, switched the wipers on and off--it was a fine, dry summer night--,flicked the blinkers on and off a couple of times, honked the horn and then switched on the lights. He moved the vehicle forward a few inches, reversed a little and then remained still for a few more minutes as some more of the other patrons' vehicles left. At last, when his was the only car left in the parking lot, he pulled out and drove slowly down the road.

The police officer, having waited patiently all this time, now started up his patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and administered a breathalyzer test. To his amazement, the breathalyzer indicated no evidence that the man had consumed any alcohol at all!

Dumbfounded, the officer said, I'll have to ask you to accompany me to the police station. This breathalyzer equipment must be broken."

"I doubt it," said the truly proud Redneck. "Tonight I'm the designated decoy."


October 10th

Only about 10 days to go til I come back to Texas. Joanie just left this morning. We partied pretty hard last night so it was tough getting her all packed up and out to the airport this AM.
Aaron and Joanie at Stade de France
We had a good time together in Paris...didn't really do too much tourist stuff, just hung out, ate a bunch of Italian food, drank some french wine, etc.

I'll post some new photos online this week from our adventures together in Paris.

October 5th

A new month, but I'm not going to archive September probably until I get back. I'm back in Paris finally...Gary Lux left this morning and Joanie gets here in about 15 hours. Germany was Awesome...what else can I say?
Gary and Aaron at Oktoberfest in Munich
Yes, those are Kilts...we were representing the Scottish Texans in Munich at the Oktoberfest this week. Let me tell ya...we were rockstars with those things. I started off wearing boxers underneath because, well, the wool on the kilts wasn't the most comfortable feeling for your member. But after the 10th Fräulein asked to see if I was wearing anything under my leiderhausen, and after the 3rd liter of Haufbrau, I decided to have some fun and lose the boxers. I must have been asked to show my ass over 20 times that day.

Here's how Tuesday and Wednesday went down in short...I met with some other friends from Austin on Tuesday afternoon at the English Garten...this place is gorgeous...about 10 times the size of Central Park. We drank a couple of liters of beer, ate some great German food, and then headed over to Oktoberfest around 6:00pm. By 6:00, we couldn't get into any of the beer halls...the door guys were charging from 200-500 euro per person to sneak you inside. So, we met some cool German guys outside in the Oktoberfest grounds and pounded a few more Hefenweisen's before heading back to our hotel. The next morning, we were determined to get into a beer hall, so we arrived around 10:30 AM and had our pick of places to sit inside. We hit the Haufbrau tent and then settled into a fun table at the Lowenbrau tent. We met 2 really cool couples from a town near Munich and spent most of the day there singing, dancing, drinking and eating more great German food. After about 5:00pm, everything becomes fuzzy. Neither of us remember leaving Oktoberfest back for the hotel, but we think we caught a taxi and passed out around 7:30 (from the times that we were making phone calls)...we awoke around 2:00am with horrible hangovers and no memory of anything past 5:00pm. I have some great photos, but can't really tell you much about them.

Regardless, one of the best experiences you can have in Europe...I will definitely be returning in the future.
Cell Phone Pics
Viola Hook Em
Rose Bowl 2010
Water Buffalo
TTHA Booth
Skinning Station
Elk Hanging
Poker Tourney
Under Construction
Zurich Fan Zone
Smallest Car Ever
Christophe Latour
Jason Duggan
Nice Rack
Churchill Downs
Paris Souffle
Front Porch - Terlingua
Hotel Paisano
Cool & the Gang
Edison in LA
Luca Hiding
New Work Computer
Austin Traffic
Vegas - Pure
Thanksgiving Turkey
Stones @ Zilker Park
My Axis
Austin Business Awards
Chuck's Pumpkins
Lounge Singer
Cats Sleeping
TX vs Ohio State
My 4 Wheeler
Italy Celebrates

3 yr old
Brave Hunter
Jesus is Watching
Best Buy Boy
Dick in a Box
Taco! Taco!
Cat Massage
Damn Hogs

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